Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Note To My Followers

Dear Post Secret Archive Followers,
Sometime in 2008 after growing frustrated with websites claiming to be Post Secret archives, I created this site. My goal was to create a simple website with a similar interface to post secret itself but most importantly I wanted to actually archive every single post because I had experienced the frustration of never being able to find them. Regrettably,I became too busy in high school and took a leave of absence from the site for almost three years. Much to my surprise, upon returning to the site it had continued to grow in popularity and had received hundreds of thousands of hits. While I can't make up for the 3 years of posts I missed, I can now continue archiving and will keep the original saved weeks. I would like to thank everyone for their support and I hope you can now continue to enjoy my site.
Yours Truly,


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

you're the best archive site so far.

Anonymous said...

Well that didn't last long, did it?

Anonymous said...

Great thanks! Can you put a “back to the top” at the page bottom?